The Atomic Bomb:
• First tested @ the Trinity Site on July 16, 1945 near Alamorgordo, New Mexico. Called “The Gadget.”
• Hiroshima – August 6, 1945
• Nagasaki – August 9, 1945

The Food Web:
• Earliest example in Western science comes from Victor Summerhayes and Charles Elton in 1923.
• The word “ecosystem” is coined in 1935.
• The first quantitative study of energy flow through an ecosystem is published in 1942 in the journal Ecology: “The trophic-dynamic aspect of ecology” by Raymond Lindeman

So, only 10 years divide the date by which descendants of European origin: (1) acquired the capacity to destroy human civilization by splitting (what was then thought to be) the smallest building block of matter and (2) developed a term to refer to a “biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.”

CAPITALISM: preference to the individual, competition, separation
COMMUNISM: preference to the community, submission, binding
“Capitalism and communism are simply the opposite sides of the same eurocentric coin. What the world needs is not a choice between capitalism and communism, between one aspect of eurocentrism or eurosupremacism and another. What we need is a genuine alternative to the European tradition as a whole.” – Russel Means, the Lakota people
Lots of ideas, maybe too many! Simplify.
Arthur Magazine: What’s your idea of an important achievement?
Brian Eno: Years ago my assistant bought a chair for a thousand pounds at a fishing lake owned by 300 fishermen, and nearly every weekend he goes there and basically meditates with a fishing rod in his hand—that’s what people are really doing when they fish.
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