Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We/Create (a week, get it?) 2010/11

To people on and enjoying this blog/Hawai'i dreamers and East/Sur-coasters alike...

Can we have a physical meeting of the minds for a week of unbridled creativity? mm-mm and OOO la la...a delicious festival of collaborations that you could never come up with on your lonesome, and that's the point--the spearhead straight to the heartline every time...what's a salad smoothie without the kale AND ginger?

Come ye Come ye to the fantastical We/Create 2010(or 11) time and location and posters TBD...I can put in 2 votes for Hawai'i or here, or EVEN the fantasyland of Gesundheit! WVA (SUMMER ONLY).

what'ya think? an excuse to fling work out the window and hitch it to Hawai'i?? Dare I say F YEA???

with love,