Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Waimanu Valley

On my way to the moon..see you there

I was feeling nervous before I started drawings, until an amazing realization occurred.. Who gives a damn! I drew this with the manic joy of a neanderthal painting on a cave wall.

Be Free

Sunday, December 20, 2009

race report from chris

6hr 40m for my very first 50k!!! I finished with a lil kick in my step, to the hooting and hollering of my parents, Kaylin, and Pat (who had finished an hour before me, at 5hr 30min). Not bad for barely training for the past 3 weeks, haha. My ENTIRE bottom half of my body feels like it's 80 years old right now. Everything hurts, but I feel great. Completely ready to do the next one in 6 months or so. Promise Land maybe, whenever that is.

The course itself was pretty nuts. One would think that because it was a flat course, and because they had closed the smaller trails for the race due to flooding and ice, that the three 10-mile out-and-backs would have been a sinch. Not exactly the case. And Pat can testify, this was a 50k mud run. 40 degrees (maybe), thick rain, mud up to your shins at parts, and a section of water near "the narrows" that was 200-300 feet across, knee deep, and ice ice ice cold. I had a blast the entire time.

Kaylin and my parents took a bunch of pictures, which I will post soon.


- Chris

Saturday, December 19, 2009

bombs & food webs

Interesting facts:


The Atomic Bomb:
• First tested @ the Trinity Site on July 16, 1945 near Alamorgordo, New Mexico. Called “The Gadget.”
• Hiroshima – August 6, 1945
• Nagasaki – August 9, 1945


The Food Web:
• Earliest example in Western science comes from Victor Summerhayes and Charles Elton in 1923.
• The word “ecosystem” is coined in 1935.
• The first quantitative study of energy flow through an ecosystem is published in 1942 in the journal Ecology: “The trophic-dynamic aspect of ecology” by Raymond Lindeman

So, only 10 years divide the date by which descendants of European origin: (1) acquired the capacity to destroy human civilization by splitting (what was then thought to be) the smallest building block of matter and (2) developed a term to refer to a “biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.”


CAPITALISM: preference to the individual, competition, separation
COMMUNISM: preference to the community, submission, binding

“Capitalism and communism are simply the opposite sides of the same eurocentric coin. What the world needs is not a choice between capitalism and communism, between one aspect of eurocentrism or eurosupremacism and another. What we need is a genuine alternative to the European tradition as a whole.” – Russel Means, the Lakota people


Lots of ideas, maybe too many! Simplify.

Arthur Magazine: What’s your idea of an important achievement?
Brian Eno: Years ago my assistant bought a chair for a thousand pounds at a fishing lake owned by 300 fishermen, and nearly every weekend he goes there and basically meditates with a fishing rod in his hand—that’s what people are really doing when they fish.



Monday, December 14, 2009


State of mind [desire + expectation] in which 1 believes 1's desires = realized [Darkly romantic drops of Ocean Water + aural power + running wild and untamed + waves of radiance + unadulterated purity]² / [delicate, transcendent breezes - slow burning sincere melancholy for what or who is not here] + vivid poetic devices that = outer reaches of the collective soul within our imagination + expansive, voluminous landscapes bristling with beauty/intensity = mind boggling epiphanies and realizations = innovative thought = sonic defiance of law and nature = My Life

Friday, December 11, 2009

the eddie

photo by mike

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

stoke newington graveyard church

photo by eric


photo by mike

where the uk meets ireland meets holland

photos by pat

clawfoot tub

photo by billy

this ain't no meeting

photo by chris

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

sun apes - finally finding balance at sea

music by chris & eric
film shot by eric in western texas